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Lived-In Style

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General Assembly

Add interest to walls and other nooks with an intentional assortment of art and artifacts.

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Finder, Keeper

When an interiors maven found a charming cottage to renovate and flip, she couldn’t have predicted she’d fall in love with the space and make it her own.

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Caring for Cutlery

Get vintage flatware adorned with pretty bone, Bakelite and horn handles in tip-top shape.

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Put a Pin in It

Worn or displayed, these collectible fashion statements from the past are still trendy today. Choose your style!

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Through the Looking Glasses

Try the layered look as a quick fix for cracked, chipped or damaged vintage mirrors.

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Quick Veggie Centerpiece

Create a feast for the eyes using a vintage mirror and edible greens.

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What's in a Name?

Jadeite? Milk glass? Yellowware? You may be surprised to learn that these vintage collectables in “tried-and-true” hues sometimes take a detour as horses of a different color.

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Master of the Mix

Eclectic, global, bohemian. This Texas home is a happy mash-up of styles, patterns and treasures.

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Cozy Up for Book Club

When it's your turn to host your literary friends, do it up right. This ultimate gathering is filled with novel ideas.

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Pig Out!

When it comes to vintage cutting boards, pigs are a fun and easy-to-find shape.

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Armchair Expert

Its shape may woo you from a distance, but up close that chair shows some serious flaws. Could it be a diamond in the rough? Upholstery pro Michelle Minner gives tips for sizing up a castoff.

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Cut Out for Cuteness

Press retired cookie cutters into fun new service.