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Jell-O Mold Spiders

Jell-O Mold Spiders

Craft some not-so-creepy crawlers using old Jell-O molds.

Lived-In Style

Jell-O molds can be purchased at fleas, antiques shops or Etsy for as little as a couple of bucks. We love this cute idea to turn them into spider bodies for Halloween. And in case you’ve been bitten by the upcycling bug, when the season’s over, instead of stashing them away, you could always flip them over, remove the legs and thread twine or sturdy yarn through the holes to create a little plant-holding hanger. Maybe for, say, a little potted spider plant?

Vintage Jell-O molds made into spiders.

Nail or awl
Scrap wood block
12” black pipe cleaners
Black spray paint
Gel Glue
Materials as desired for eyes (see step 4)

Vintage Jell-O molds.

1. Using a nail or awl, punch four small holes along each side of mold in the creases near the bottom of the mold for legs. Punch holes from outside to inside to assure a smooth surface on outside. Tip: Insert a hard block inside of mold to keep mold from squishing.

Materials needed to make vintage Jell-O molds into spiders.

2. Spray the mold with black paint (we used Rustoleum semi-gloss). Let dry.

Vintage Jell-O molds being made into spiders.

3. Fold pipe cleaners in half and insert into holes for legs from inside of mold, following the picture as a guide.

Vintage Jell-O mold made into a spider.

4. Then, get creative with the eyes. We used vintage numbered tacks, grommets and washers. Screws, buttons, cap nuts, almost any small round objects will do. If using tacks or screws, punch additional holes so they can be inserted into mold. We placed washers and receiver grommets behind tacks and inserted through holes using Gorilla Super Glue Gel to secure. Note: Once glue dries, snip off sharp end of tack with a wire cutter for safety.